
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wonder of Loliondo

A Tanzanian pastor has asked people to stop going to his remote home for a "miracle cure" after thousands flocked there, causing chaos in the surrounding area.

All roads in Tanzania, including the dirt ones, seem to be leading nowadays to the Loliondo village about 400 kms from the nearest town of Arusha in Northern Tanzania. A “miracle cure” has turned the small village into the most famous place in the country, if not the continent.

Ambilikile Mwasapile, a former pastor of the Lutheran Church of Tanzania is the man behind “the cup” – a herbal concoction believed to be able to cure all diseases including HIV AIDS, cancer, paralysis and diabetes.

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No medical training
For one “cup”, Mwasapile charges Tsh. 500 (about 25 Euro cents) of which Tsh.200 go to the Lutheran Church and the rest to himself and his assistants.  Popularly known as ‘babu wa Loliondo’ (the grandfather from Loliondo), Masapila does not have any medical training and says: "my knowledge came in a dream." He says that books and medicine cannot cure chronic diseases like HIV/AIDS.

Tanzania has about 2 million people who are HIV positive, with over 140,000 of them being children.