
Friday, December 18, 2009

Man Stoned To Death For Adultery in Somalia

A 48-year-old man, Mohamed Abukar Ibrahim, was executed for having an extramarital sexual relationship with a young woman. The middle-aged man was brutally pelted with mini boulder-esque stones for his crimes.

Islamic extremists and al-Qaeda wannabe group Hizbul Islam carried out what many deem as simple justice rooted deeply in the bylaws and practices of Islam.

For her part, the woman that Ibrahim slept with received 100 lashes, only escaping death herself due to the fact that she was single at the time of the affair.

Stoned to death
This is bad!

some texts and pictures from lindaikeji


Dhoon Noorayn said...

Well, the capital punishment in the religion is stipulated from the Lord of the world to keep the inhabitants of the world in balance state, for indeed, we do not known that which is good for ourselves but the Creator, for His rulings is our Manual of Life, holding to it we define our state of submittion to His Majesty; not our own self desire, capital punishment is well established in all revealed Scriptures, but the desires, thoughts of men full of whims and caprices has changed the rules of our Creator. The best question is: "HAVE WE CREATED OURSELVES (I.E HAVING KNOWLEDGE BEFORE OUR EXISTENCE) OR THE CREATOR HAS PERFECTLY DONE THAT?
The mayhems of deviating from the rules of the Creator are witnessed among us, only that our minds are blackened by the unreal illusions of passion for carrying out the judgment but we are not moved by guts display by men in transgressing the commandment of the Creator who has power over all.
Tagging the perpetrators as Militant is "CHARACTER ASSASSINATION" for if that was done on clarification and sincerity in upholding what they are commanded, they are then "MUSLIM WHO SUBMIT TO THE RULES OF THEIR LORD"